Harrodsburg - Mercer County Industrial Development Authority
HMCIDA Header Logo
Diamond Point Welcome Center
488 Price Avenue, Suite 3
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Phone: 859-734-0063
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Executive Director: Mike Willand
About Us
The Harrodsburg-Mercer County Industrial Development Authority (HMCIDA) was created by local government to support existing industry in the community and to promote the area for new business investment.

Harrodsburg, the county seat of Mercer County, is the home of 8,161 people within the city limits and 22,024 countywide. Located in central Kentucky’s Bluegrass region, Harrodsburg is at the center of a 14 county labor market area with a total population exceeding 673,381.

Demographics and Economic Statistics

Standardized and detailed statistics for Harrodsburg and Mercer County are maintained by Kentucky state government’s Cabinet for Economic Development. These statistics are available on Harrodsburg’s community profile at Team Kentucky - Cabinet for Economic Development
Our Region

Danville- Boyle County, is a neighboring county to Mercer. Danville houses constitution square which is where the first constitution of Kentucky was signed. Also, there is a historical road called Maple Avenue which is home to many historical homes. Also, in the Danville area is Pioneer Playhouse which produces many outdoor productions during the summer months!
HMCIDA - Who We Are and What We Do

Who/What is the IDA?

HMCIDA facilitates local economic development with manufacturing focus. Manufacturing has at minimum a 1:4 and up to 15 ratio, meaning that for every manufacturing job at least 4 other jobs are created such as office services, machine shops, restaurants, office services, suppliers, and many other amenities.

read more - click on pdf link below 
Commuting Patterns Report
HMCIDA Commuting Patterns

This report provides an overview of commutes at the county level by number of commuters and distance traveled for all workers living and/or working in Kentucky in 2018.

view complete commuting patterns report by clicking on the document below
Wilkinson Megasite
KY is Cool
“KY is Cool” by Danny Wimmer Presents. Come see what Kentucky has to offer.  Want a sneak peek?  Watch video below.


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Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of HMCIDA is to support existing industry, promote new industry investment and strengthen relationships between the community and industry

HMCIDA will be a catalyst for improving community life because we have helped:

1) Maintain and expanded our economic base by identifying and addressing the needs of current industry and attracting new industry

2) Strengthen the relationship between the community and industry to deepen the value the community places on the contributions industry provides to the economy and the quality of life. Also deepen the value that industry places on the community’s business and quality of life assets.

3) Maintain HMCIDA as a relevant entity utilizing best practices in the economic development field.
Harrodsburg - Mercer County Industrial Development Authority

Diamond Point Welcome Center
488 Price Avenue, Suite 3
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Phone: 859-734-0063

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